Saso Haven

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Launch Date
Started by Pixcat



Manager Event Team Staff Team Member
04 Mar 2024
Last Seen
28 Apr 2024


We're back with an exhilarating update as we inch closer to the highly anticipated launch of our server. Since our last communication, our dedicated team has been tirelessly refining and perfecting the Saso Haven experience.

Our staff team has been gearing up, diving into the server, exploring gameplay intricacies, navigating the landscape, and becoming intimately familiar with commands and features. Their valuable insights have contributed to final development fixes and bug fixes.

Now, mark your calendars and get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us, because the opening of Saso Haven is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th! Your enthusiasm and patience have been the driving force behind this project.

We appreciate your ongoing support and dedication to the Saso Haven community. As we count down to March 6th, stay tuned for additional updates. The countdown to an unforgettable experience has begun!


Community Manager

Pixcat · 8 months ago