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READ ME - Application Template
Started by noabowa

Topic Locked


Owner Staff Team
13 Feb 2024
Last Seen
14 Oct 2024

Copy this template and answer ALL questions

1) What is your Minecraft username? 

2) What is your Discord username?

3) Timezone?

4) Age?

5) Do you have access to a working microphone?

6) Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?

7) Are you multilingual? (With this we mean fluent in an other language and not just learning)

8) How much time do you have to contribute to being a staff member?

9) Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.

10) SCENARIO: Suppose it's your first week of being a Jr. Mod and you mute a rather known player. All of a sudden a lot of players start spamming you to unmute this player. What will you do?

11) Tell us about a time you made a mistake within the last year? How did you deal with it? What did you learn?

12) If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Minecraft?

13) Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?

14) SCENARIO: "You come home from school/work and have a ton of homework/work to do, you think to yourself I'll just take a 5-minute break before I start and get on Minecraft. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and you've been on the server all that time." Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

15) SCENARIO: You're very busy as a helper, questions are flying at you rapidly, you can just about keep up. You're getting messaged by 2 different players both asking you to get them a moderator for a hacker, someone then pokes you on Discord telling you that there is someone blasting music in their channel. What do you do?

16) Have you made any previous applications, if so how many and what is the date of your last one?

17) What makes you stand out from the rest and why should we chose you above all other applicants?

18) Is there a staff member that can vouch for you?

19) Anything else we should know about you?


May your coffee be strong and your Monday short

noabowa · 10 months ago · Last edited: 10 months ago