Saso Haven

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We're launching soon!
Started by noabowa



Owner Staff Team
13 Feb 2024
Last Seen
14 Oct 2024

Hi Saso Haven Community!

We are thrilled to share an exciting update on the development progress of our Minecraft Survival Economy server. Since the 9th of February, our dedicated team has been hard at work shaping and refining the Saso Haven experience.

As we approach the end of February, we are also nearing the completion of development, with just a few hotfixes remaining. This journey has been an incredible adventure, and we're eager to share it with all of you.

Our staff team will soon gain access to the server, allowing them to immerse themselves in the gameplay, explore the structure, and familiarize themselves with commands and features. Their valuable insights will help us fine-tune any remaining details to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all players.

We are elated to announce that the public launch of Saso Haven is just around the corner! While we can't provide an exact date at this moment, we are working diligently to make it happen in the coming days. Stay tuned for further updates, as we are committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.

Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm throughout this development phase. We can't wait to embark on this adventure with you all!

May your coffee be strong and your Monday short

noabowa · 8 months ago